Someday I Don't Want To Regret That I Didn't Tell You This
We all know the fact
That life is short
Someday I don't want to regret
That I didn't tell you this
I'm not being anxious
About what's going to happen
I just have to let this out
Now is the time
I'm taking this chance
I'm holding nothing back
To say what I really have to say
I really don't know
If there's a perfect timing to tell you this
I'm not even sure
If I've given you a clue
I just don't want to leave you guessing around
Now is the time
I'm taking this chance
I'm holding nothing back
To say what I really have to say
'Cause you wouldn't if I didn't tell you
I'm taking this cahnce to tell you
That I like you
I like you
Artist Name : Don Lopez
Facebook Account :
Genre: Lo-fi Indie Pop
Stroy behind the lyrics : LIfe is short. I just don't want to regret that I didn't tell you how much I like you. :)